Monday, February 13, 2012

41,42,43 And 44. I suck

I suck at keeping up with this project 365. But I do make up for them do yea. So I guess there are a lot more people reading my blog than what I thought. I actually started this to be more like a journal, something the cupcake can later read. Now it is still my journal but I am letting Others see what goes on in my head and what my days are like. First it was just friends reading this but now it's a little more than just friends, and that's okay. I have nothing to hide. I don't know what I am trying to say with this do on with the recap of our weekend.
Thursday my family spent some time with the Cupcake. Faby came over also to spend some time with her. She got to read her a story too. Toy'sRUs sent the Cupcake a birthday card and as you can see she wouldn't let go of it. She was attached to it for about a good 20 minutes.

Saturday the Bubba and I had a date night. We were lucky to have grandma watch her while we went off on our date. We went to go see "The Vow" which we both enjoyed. We were also going to go to dinner but we had a pretty big lunch and I was still full so I decided to bake cookies instead. We enjoyed some walnut chocolate chip cookies with wine for myself and beer for the Bubba.

Sunday we had to give the cupcake a bath because she got pretty dirty at grandmas house and during breakfast she decided to get real messy. She loves bath time.

And this, this was from this morning. She always  has crazy hair in the morning and I love it. She was excited watching Choo Choo Soul this morning. I am not a fan of Genevive.

Tonight I am going to attempt to do some oreo truffles, wish me luck.


  1. Ahhh, how can you not love Genevive!? (I can't even type her name without thinking, "Wiiiith Genevive!!") I'd rather watch an hour of Choo Choo Soul than just the opening credits of Fresh Beat Band. UGH.

  2. Cuz she reminds me of the chola next door haha!
