Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear July, can you hurry up and be August already!!Season pass tickets to Disneyland are calling my name.
Dear Creep black spider underneath my bathroom sink, I have tried multiple times to kill you, trap you, suck you up with the vacuum with no avail. Can you please not bite me or the cupcake thanks.
Dear muffin top and period bloat, seriously wtf?!
Dear Cupcake, thanks so much for being a good baby last night and letting mama sleep more than 4 hours in a row. 
Dear tattoo artist, please make time for me Sunday because I really want to get this thing over with already.
Dear new job, you canceled  me last night, and even though I really needed the rest I really wanted to work, but I guess I forgive you. 
Dear brain, please stop being lazy. Just because you have two jobs, are a full time mom and still have friends to hang with doesn't mean you get to be tired. You need to make time to workout also.
Thank goodness it's Friday!


1 comment:

  1. I ran across your blog on Friday Letters Link Up. Your little Cupcake is adorable! I hope you get some rest and have fun in August!
