Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Over that bump

I am so proud to say that I have finally gotten over this plateau I was in. You know the one where I was sitting at 160 pounds for over what like 6 months now. Maybe a little less.

I haven't been in the 150's since 2005. So it feels great to finally be closer to my goal weight. But with that being said. 158 looks a lot different now than it did in 2005. I mean I do have a kid now so my body isn't going to look the same but I am hoping I could get pretty close. I still look super duper flabby but I am working on that. I have been more active this week and I am drinking a cagillion one gallon of water a day.

I feel amazing because I am now that much closer to my goal weight. I am happy that I will soon no longer be considered over weight but healthy. I have definitely cleaned up my diet. I have had pizza and wendy's here and there but I manage to kill it in my workouts.

My goal is to really lose those 8 pounds by the end of september. I would be nice to be in the 140's which is what I was at right after high school. My ultimate weight would be what my driver's license says 133 pounds. I just have to push myself even further.


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